The Port Region is vulnerable to both natural and technological hazards.
Natural hazards may include events such as earthquakes, severe weather, and floods. Technological (man-made) incidents may include hazardous material spills, transportation accidents, bomb threats, explosions and fires. The JNPA’s first response to these possibilities is the development of a comprehensive ACTION PLAN. This section of that plan describes the port wide policies to which the PORT'S Chairman, HODS & senior management, and emergency response managers will refer at the occurrence of a broad based emergency.
For the purpose of these emergency-operating procedures, a major emergency or disaster is characterized as an unforeseen or unexpected combination of circumstances that call for immediate and extraordinary actions. In addition we will define
Major Emergency: An event where there is reason to suspect that lives may be endangered or where severe damage to property and or environment may result. It is a situation where the ability to help oneself exists but additional help is needed. A major emergency may be from natural or technological causes. A moderate earthquake / storm / floods, a bomb threat, a limited hazardous materials release or fire are examples of major emergencies.
MAJOR DISASTER: An event that causes widespread damage and/or threatens life and safety. The ability to respond with resources at hand is overwhelmed or suppressed; one can do little to help oneself. A "Major Disaster" may include a substantial earthquake, major hazardous materials release or oil spill, or an aircraft accident.
Risk Assessment Report
JNPA has approached IRS for carrying out Disaster Management Plan (DMP) within their port area.
The objective of this project work is Preparation of DMP as per NDMA suggested structure.
The Risk assessment in this project covers consequences due to accidents only and does not address deliberate act of damage.
The methodology/procedure used for the project is as follows:
Disaster Management Plan
Aim The aim of this plan is to exhibit the organizations commitment to the safety of employees and increase the organizations safety awareness and to define the roles and actions necessary to prepare for and respond to any disaster situation in a coordinated manner. This plan will enable the JNPA to minimize or avoid the potential losses from hazards and disasters caused due to human error or natural phenomena in the Port and adjoining waters (Port limits), through the implementation of rapid, effective and appropriate response procedures and effective recovery.
DMP is intended to provide guidance to all concerned departments within the port with a general concept of potential emergency assignments before, during and following emergency situations.
The primary objectives of the DMP are to: