
JNPA has developed the coastal berth with a capacity of 2.8 MTPA to provide a dedicated berth for coastal cargo.  The facility was developed in November 2020 and commissioned in July 2021. Currently, the berth is operated by M/s. Nhava Sheva Distribution Terminal Pvt. Ltd. The evacuation of cargo from this coastal berth currently involves a level crossing of Railway lines (4 nos. at present) and a road for Inter Terminal Rail Handling Operation. With four tracks intersecting the road leading to the Landing Jetty and Coastal Berth, this leads to frequent halts in traffic when trains pass through. This congestion can result in longer travel times for vehicles and disrupt the flow of goods and people to and from the port. The ITRHO road intersects the existing road perpendicularly at this location. This road is essential for the movement of container traffic to and from the port. Restricting this traffic to a single road means that any congestion or delay at the railway crossing can have a significant impact on the efficiency of port operations and logistics. With JNPA becoming DFCC compliant and works of DFCC nearing completion, frequency of cargo rakes at JNPA is envisaged to increase and therefore with increased frequency, such level crossings would cause congestion and reduced cargo handling efficiency at the Port. These railway lines are vital feeders to the JNPA port yards, including JNPA, GTIPL, and Shallow Berth. Any halt in traffic due to train movement not only affects the efficiency of port operations but can also block the movement of goods and people to these important facilities. To overcome these challenges, a Railway Over Bridge has been conceptualized.


Benefits of the Project:

The construction of a Rail Over Bridge at this location will alleviate congestion, improve traffic flow, enhance security, and accommodate the expected increase in railway traffic and berth traffic. This project will contribute to the overall efficiency and safety of the transportation network in the area, benefiting both the port and the local community.



The proposal is currently put up for approval of the Board of JNPA and shall be subsequently put up before the Delegate Investment Board for appraisal and sanction.


The Port Users Building was constructed in 1992 for the accommodation of various port users to perform their daily activities in connection with the Port. The building has got G+ 3 floor. At present building has been given on lease basis to various Port Users. The said building is being maintained periodically by minor repair works as well as painting including the water proofing to avoid seepages in the building. The said building now has been utilized by various shipping companies/shipping agents and other organizations etc. and given after periodical maintenance of the seepages are observed during monsoon which needs good technique to avoid seepages by repair/renovation. It is also necessary to rearrange the internal space required as per the user’s demand. The Estimated cost of the work is 3929.46 Lakhs.


Benefits of the Project:

Renovation and Upgradation work of PUB buildings is proposed for a comfortable accommodation for the users and good appearance of the building.



Renovation Proposal put for Approval of Competent Authority. 


In light of the growing need to boost agricultural exports and to align with India’s Agriculture Export Policy, JNPA has conceived a plan to set up an export-oriented agricultural produce processing and storage facility at Sheva, Raigad, Maharashtra. This exit point infrastructure shall be a multi-commodity storage and processing facility intended to enhance the shelf-life and quality of export agricultural produce and increase the quantum of India's agricultural exports to the world. 

  The primary objective of this exit point facility is to extend the shelf life of a variety of produce and to meet sanitary and phytol-sanitary requirements specified by destination countries, thereby reducing losses occurring due to rejection at destination. The facility will play a vital role in developing the processes, quality standards and packaging standards in India to meet the most stringent global standards. The project is being structured to be built through the PPP route.


Benefits of the Project:
  1. Address the wastage occurring in the export or import processes due to multiple handling and inefficient logistics.
  2. Lower the overall logistics costs for agricultural commodities, including dry grains, perishables, spices, meat, and marine products.
  3. Implement certification and quality control measures to prevent cargo rejection.
  4. Provide comprehensive logistics, storage, processing, regulatory support, approvals, and quality control services in a single facility
  5. Minimize wastage caused by multiple handling of commodities
  6. Improve commodity shelf life by introducing technological intervention



The project has been placed before the Standing Finance Committee for appraisal and approval of the Competent Authority.


The DPD scheme was envisaged as an innovative tool to reduce dwell time drastically and help Indian manufactures and traders to work on just in time inventory management principle.

JNPA is desirous to develop a separate yard called “DPD Plaza” for storage of DPD containers after they land at Port terminal. The “DPD Plaza” is required to be developed near the Port terminal, like the “Centralized Parking Plaza (CCP)” developed for export containers. The DPD client can then directly collect their containers from the “DPD Plaza”, without the need of routing the said containers through CFSs, which currently leads to avoidable to and fro movement of DPD containers, delays and increased cost to the importers.

The “DPD Plaza” can be equipped with state of the art equipment & IOT based inventory management systems.


Benefits of the Project:

 “DPD Plaza” is pioneering development which has potential to further enhance the image of JNPA as the most efficient port of India and this initiative is further addition for ease of doing business in JNPA.



JNPA has invited tenders for consultancy services for DPR preparation and detailed engineering for DPD Plaza. M/s. Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is shortlisted for assignment.


At present there is no CBSE school in the nearby region and students have to approach Karanja which is about 8 to 10 KM away from JNPA Township. Also, at present CISF strength in JNPA is about 550 and majority of the Students of CISF are appearing for CBSE and they have to approach either at Karanja or Navi Mumbai. Accordingly, the need for a new school has been examined by the Administration department. Hence, it is felt appropriate to have CBSE School in JNPA Township to cater for the needs of Township residents as well as nearby villagers.

In order to carry out need assessment and architectural drawings including estimate and PMC thereafter, JNPA appointed consultant M/s. RITES Limited. As per the assessment study of M/s. RITES Limited, there will be chances of about 1500 to 1600 students in the surrounding area.


Benefits of the Project:

To Provide State of Art School for local people who wish to study in CBSE Board.


The PMC M/s. RITES Limited has prepared a detailed estimate which is forwarded to standing committee on 08.07.2024 for its recommendations.


The proposed entrance gate building is expected to serve as an important entry and facility point for JNPA employees, port users, visitors, national and international dignitaries, VIP’s etc. Thus, connecting the city and the sea through the terminal building.

The proposed passenger terminal building at the landing jetty is planned and conceptualized as a gateway to JNPA from the sea side. It is proposed to be developed as part of an image building and branding initiative of JNPA. This is in addition to its function as a passenger terminal.

The space requirements for the Entrance Gate Building at Landing Jetty are kept in view of the current as well as future requirement of daily commuters. As per the data on passenger traffic (last six months) gathered from marine department, currently on an average 500 passengers travel daily to and fro from the jetty. Apart from JNPA, CISF employees and locals, the facility is also used by port users, agents, contractors, customs employees etc. In future, with the development of areas in JNPA such as SEZ, Non-SEZ industrial area, township redevelopment, 12.5% R&R scheme, tourism activities etc. the footfall is expected to increase in future with expected increase in water transport.

The foreign delegates, VIPs also use waterways to reach JNPA from Mumbai. The building has a provision of a VIP waiting room with facilities.


Benefits of the Project:

Ease of doing business & port development.



Tenders called bids are under evaluation stage.